Up & Away Games > Birth of the Roman Republic
Print on Demand Game
Thu Jun 22 07:11:11 UTC 2017
Time Line of the Game
All dates BC – see also the background
530s535Tarquinius Superbus takes kingship of Rome.
510s519Quinctius Cincinnatus born, dies 430
500s509Founding of the Republic. L. Junius Brutus becomes the first consul. Tarquinian War begins, to 498. (Latin Period begins.)
507First treaty with Carthage. The two sides agree to respect the other's sphere of influence.
502Spurius Cassius Viscellinus, becomes consul for the first time, dies 485.
501First Latin War begins, to 493. Tarquinian War still active.
490s498Tarquinian War ends.
496Volscian War begins, to 455. First Latin War still active.
494Aequian War begins, to 479. First Latin War and Volscian War still active. First Plebeian Secession
493Coriolanus is a hero at the siege of Corioli. First Latin War ends.
480s485Agrarian Unrest, Spurius Cassius Viscellinus dies.
483Veientine War begins, to 434. Volscian and Aequian Wars still active.
470s479Aequian War ends.
450s455Volscian War ends.
450The Twelve Tables
440s449Second Plebeian Secession
446Furius Camillus born, dies 365.
444First election of Consular Tribunes
430s439Spurius Maelius dies.
434Veientine War ends.
430Quinctius Cincinnatus dies.
390s396Siege of Veii
390Sack of Rome. (Italian Period begins.)
360s365Furius Camillus dies.
350s354First Samnite War begins, to 341
340s341First Samnite War ends.
340Second Latin War begins, to 338. Appius Claudius born, dies 273.
330s338Second Latin War ends.
320s328Second Samnite War begins, to 310
310s318Pyrrhus born, dies 272.
312Appian Way built
310Second Samnite War ends.
290s298Third Samnite War begins, to 290
290Third Samnite War ends.
280s287Plebeian Revolt
280Pyrrhic War begins, to 275
270s275Pyrrhic War ends.
272Pyrrhus dies.
260s267Atilius Regulus becomes consul for the first time.
265Carthage and Rome support opposing warring sides in Sicily. (The Republic of Rome™ base game begins.)
Continue with the Republic of Rome time line.
