Up & Away Games
from Up & Away Games
Birth of the Roman Republic
A small, unofficial prequel expansion for The Republic of Rome™ consisting of just 36 cards and 16 square tiles, by Roberto A. Ullfig. There are 8 pages of rules, much of it historical background. Now you can make the starting situation for the Republic different every time. You can also play this prequel alongside the Early Republic period in The Republic of Carthage grand scenario in which the two Republics square off. Now you can relive the period from the expulsion of Tarquinius Superbus, the last Roman king, and the establishment of the Roman Republic through all the politics, conflicts and intrigue that made Rome what it was when it first faced Hamilcar in the First Punic War.
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The Course of Honor
Who will be First Man in Rome? In Ancient Rome attract clients, secure funds and employ specialists to promote your team of candidates up through the historic course of honor. Via a combination of dice drafting and risk management see if you can become the most glorious and successful family in Rome. "Alea iacta est!" LET THE DICE FLY HIGH!
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Rome in Crisis
A card game of the Ancient Roman Empire in a turbulent period period when Rome was beset by invaders from several sides. Each player controls a number of imperial candidates whom they try to push to the top position to gain honor and prestige by solving some of Rome's many crises before quickly yielding to the next emperor. For 2-4.
Shop page | Home | Time Line | FAQ | Brief Rules | Rules with Play Example
The Republic of Carthage
The Republic of Carthage reflects approximately 350 years in the life of the ancient Carthaginian Republic. Players cooperate and compete to manage its fortunes, especially its politics, wars and trade in this simulation of political and mercantile life in Rome's ancient and most deadly enemy. In this game you must constantly balance personal advancement against the security of the state. Trade and fight to build up the empire. Vie for power in the Senate and on the battlefield. But to grow in size and power only attracts the unwelcome attention of rivals, not just your opponents, but also foreign powers like Syracuse, Pyrrhus and, most deadly of all, Rome. Are you smart and savvy enough to survive and thrive where Hannibal couldn't? Special rules even allow you to play this in conjunction with The Republic of Rome™ in a grand scenario that can support up to twelve players!
Shop page | Home | Living Rules | Compared with The Republic of Rome™ | Time Line | Bibliography
See also
  • Ancient Roman Holidays and Festivals
  • Rome Reborn (visualize Ancient Rome)
    Created: Thu Jan 31 21:44:44 UTC 2019