Up & Away Games > Founding Fathers
Founding Fathers
Sample Solitaire Playing

An account of a solitaire playing. The human is playing the Conservatives; the Liberals are played by "the Opponent", i.e. using the non-player rules.

Turn 3

Claiming Offices
The Liberals lead in Congress by a large margin and draft the first office, following their priorities list. They assign their offices to Statesmen not already holding them and to the one having the most Ability (with Popularity as a tie-breaker). Turns alternate after that.
1. Treasury to Jefferson2. State to Morris
3. Envoy to Madison 4. Postmaster to Pinckney
5. War to Franklin 6. Attorney General to Ellsworth
7. Chief Justice to Gallatinout of offices

The Issues
Issue 1: Land Act of 1804

  • Jefferson agrees to support this as it does not hurt his Public Support.
  • Public Support 2 toward the Liberal side (now at Conservative 2).
  • Ellsworth gains 1 Influence.
  • Revenue increases by $5 million.
  • 3 Popularity to the President and Jefferson.

    Issue 2: Bill of Rights
  • 3 Popularity to the President.

    Issue 3: Northwest Indian War
  • General Clinton agrees to resolve it, but needs 3 Influence. The Conservatives contribute 2 and the Liberals 1.
  • The President and Clinton gain 2 Popularity.

    Issue 4: British Attacks on Shipping
  • Hand of Time: Patrick Henry dies with no points, but 2 votes.
  • The Secretary of the Navy office is created. Randolph takes this office.
  • The President takes the negotiation option; the Special Envoy agrees.
  • Each side expends 1 Influence.
  • The President and Envoy lose 2 Popularity. Ellsworth gains 4 Influence.
  • Public Support 2 toward the Liberal side (now at 0).

    Tariff II
  • As the nation is still in debt, Treasury Secretary Jefferson agrees to increase the tariff by one level and pass the tax with the highest combination of income minus outrage rating.
  • Revenue increases by $20 million
  • President Jay and Jefferson gain 1 Popularity.

    Window Pane and Carriage Tax
  • Conservatives expends 1 Influence.
  • Revenue increases by $10 million
  • The President and Jefferson lose 1 Popularity from a roll of 6 on the Tax Outrage table.

    The Treasury
  • The nation improves to $55 million in debt, increased by $72 by interest.

    The Election
    The Conservative main candidate is Jay.
    The Liberal main candidate is Jefferson.
    Public Support is at 0, but as the sitting president is more popular, the Liberals must choose their running mate first.
    The Opponent chooses one not from the same state as the main candidate with New York at the top of the list. As it happens he does have a New Yorker, so George Clinton is designated.
    The player chooses Thomas Pinckney.

    Initial election placements
    The non-player rules for placement specify that they try to claim states that are closer to those of the human player, have more votes and if tied, randomly among the tied options.
    The candidate placements in order:
    Jay 111
    Clinton 78
    Jefferson 67
    Pinckney 34

    Final election placements

    John Jay is re-elected president. George Clinton becomes Vice President.
    This concludes the sample game.

    Final factions

    Turn 2 | Start
    Created: 28 February 2016